Having caught 'man-flu' last weekend, it was a challenge both for me and our investors. I stuck to the water whilst they stuck into the goodies. I know which I would have preferred.
Investor presentations are a great way to take stock of where you are and where you are going. I was able to update the team on where I had been and what the road map for the next few months looked like. I think it is fair to say that they were supportive of the plans. Not for nothing, they call themselves 'Good Bastards'. I will leave it to Nick and Toby to explain that one!
As we move forward, communication with the investment team is going to become ever more important. We are trying to apply the same core principals that are required for publicly quoted companies.
Julien Leys from JML Communications spoke to the meeting and outlined our longer term Investor Communication strategy. For a relatively small start-up company, our approach might appear to be a highly structured. Long term however, it puts a process in place that will require little amendment. Transparency and openness now will pay dividends in the long term.