A sketch of the NZ Pavilion at the Shanghai Expo 2010
A couple of weeks ago, I posted a blog about the intended presence of Export NZ (BOP) at the Shanghai Expo 2010. Although I am now back in NZ (fog at Auckland was the problem, not the expected typhoon off HK), my mind is still working on this past week's meetings.
The Expo is expected to attract 70 million visitors between May and October. At least 40,000 are expected to visit the NZ Pavilion over this period, EACH DAY. That's some exposure.
The New Zealand Pavilion, themed "Cities of Nature: Living between Land and Sky", will be located on a 2,000-square-meter land in Pudong side of the Expo site. The New Zealand Government will invest nearly NZD30 million (US$23.05 million) at the Shanghai Expo 2010. That's some spend.
Which brings me neatly back to 'my thoughts'. How can we benefit from and leverage this presence? The opportunities I have witnessed this week are real. They are also enormous. Keep thinking Peter, 'keep thinking'.